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The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that invests in high-risk, high- payoff research to tackle some of the most difficult challenges in the Intelligence Community. As part of this mission, IARPA sponsors several applied researchPROGRAMS
that use multidisciplinary approaches to advance our understanding of cognition and computation in the brain. Currently active neurosciencePROGRAMS

- Integrated Cognitive- Neuroscience Architectures for Understanding Sensemaking (ICArUS), which uses models to understand how the human brainis able to make sense of sparse, ambiguous data;
- Knowledge Representation in Neural Systems (KRNS), which seeks insights into the brain’s representation of conceptual knowledge;
- Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS), which will reverse-engineer the algorithms of the brain to revolutionize machine learning; and
- Strengthening Human Adaptive Reasoning and Problem-solving (SHARP), which will develop non-invasive neural interventions forOPTIMIZING
reasoning and problem-solving.
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